FAST ČR a.s. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) requests that the customers who purchased Sencor SOH 3009BE oil heater production series 2016300912 (hereinafter referred to as the “LOT” see photo above) in the time period starting from February 2017 return it to the shop where they bought it, where they will receive a replacement heater or a full refund of the purchase price.

Based on its own investigation the Company arrived at a conclusion that under certain technical conditions the operation of the given product may result in pressurizing of the radiator and contingent egress of its hot oil filling. Up to this day, the Company has received 5 reports of similar nature.
Product safety is the Company’s utmost priority; all our products must meet international and national laws, regulations and respective standards. SENCOR SOH 3009BE oil heater passed all requisite tests with positive results for introduction to EU market and received CE marking (mechanical, electrical and chemical tests).
Upon receiving the above-mentioned reports, we launched our investigation the result of which was the identification of a single faulty LOT 2016300912 of SENCOR SOH 3009BE oil heaters and subsequent suspension of the sale of this LOT and its recall.
Customers are to return Sencor SOH 3009BE oil heaters LOT 2016300912 to the shops or e-shops where they bought them with a request for refund. For more information or in the case of any problems with returning of the given product customers may turn to the Company’s contact centre by e-mail at, or by telephone using tel. No. 323 204 237.
The vision of our company is to improve everyday lives of many people through our offer of well designed, functional, accessible and high quality products for everyday use produced with regard to the needs of people and the environment.

We apologize for any inconvenience.
Petr Uher
Quality Assurance Manager
FAST ČR a.s.
Černokostelecká 1621
Říčany 251 01
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